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Quench Cups

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Quench Cups—a poultry watering solution designed to keep your feathered friends refreshed and hydrated with ease. Available in two sizes, these drinking cups are tailored to meet the specific needs of your flock, ensuring they have access to clean, uncontaminated water. 

🐔 Optimal Hydration: Provide your chickens with a continuous supply of clean, fresh water. The Quench Cups ensure your flock stays properly hydrated for optimal health and egg production.

🍽️ Two Convenient Sizes: Choose the perfect size to match your flock's size and water consumption. Whether you're raising a small backyard flock or a larger barnyard brigade, we offer two sizes to cater to your needs.

🌟 Clean and Contaminant-Free: The design of these drinking cups prevents dirt, debris, and droppings from entering the water, ensuring that your flock drinks only clean and safe water.

Upgrade your poultry's water supply with the Quench Cups, available in two sizes to accommodate flocks of all sizes. It's not just a drinking cup; it's a commitment to your chickens' health and well-being.