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Seasonal Vegetable Gardening: What to Plant Each Month

Seasonal Vegetable Gardening: What to Plant Each Month

Step into the fascinating realm of seasonal vegetable gardening! Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to gardening, strategic planning of your planting schedule can lead to abundant harvests year-round. Embark on this journey with us as we explore the monthly planting guides, ensuring a steady stream of fresh, homegrown veggies from garden to table.


  • Peas: Start the year off right by planting peas early in the month. These cooler temperatures and can tolerate light frost, making them perfect for early spring planting. 


  • Lettuce: Get a jump-start on your salad garden by sowing lettuce seeds indoors or in a greenhouse. Transplant seedlings outdoors once the weather begins to warm up for a steady supply of crisp, fresh greens.


  • Carrots: As the days grow longer and the soil begins to warm, it's time to sow carrot seeds directly into the ground. Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil for best results.


  • Radishes: With the arrival of spring, it's time to sow radish seeds for a quick and easy crop. These fast-growing root vegetables are perfect for impatient gardeners eager for their first harvest of the season.


  • Tomatoes: As temperatures continue to rise, it's safe to transplant tomato seedlings outdoors. Choose a sunny spot and provide support for your plants as they grow, ensuring a plentiful harvest of juicy, sun-ripened tomatoes later in the summer.


  • Cucumbers: With the heat of summer in full swing, it's time to plant cucumbers for a refreshing addition to your garden. These vining plants thrive in warm weather and can be trained to climb trellises or fences to save space.


  • Green Beans: Beat the summer heat by planting green beans in mid-summer for a fall harvest. Choose a bush variety for easy maintenance and abundant yields of crisp, tender beans.


  • Zucchini: Embrace the abundance of late summer by planting zucchini for a prolific harvest. These fast-growing squash plants thrive in warm weather and can produce an impressive bounty of fruits with proper care.


  • Spinach: As temperatures begin to cool, it's time to sow spinach seeds for a fall crop. Choose a variety that's tolerant of cooler temperatures for a steady supply of nutrient-rich greens throughout the season


  • Kale: With its cold-hardy nature, kale is the perfect vegetable to plant in late fall for winter harvests. Choose a variety that's resistant to frost for continued growth even as temperatures drop.


  • Garlic: Plant garlic cloves in late fall for a summer harvest. Choose a sunny spot with well-draining soil and mulch heavily to protect against frost during the winter months.


  • Onions: Start the new year off right by planting onions in late December for a summer harvest. Choose a variety suited to your climate and provide plenty of water and sunlight for optimal growth.

By following this monthly planting guide, you can ensure a continuous supply of fresh, homegrown vegetables throughout the growing season. So roll up your sleeves, grab your gardening gloves, and get ready to reap the rewards of your labor as you enjoy a bounty of delicious veggies straight from your own backyard garden. Happy planting!


If you have any questions about vegetable gardening or when to plant what, please feel free to reach out to us at